Thursday, October 2, 2008

I'm So Original

Yup that's right, I'm original. I TOTALLY didn't copy Stefanie (who totally didn't copy her friend).

Well, I'm going to take the time to rant about some stuff I have problems with. Its nice to get it out. Sooo three, two, one BLASTOFF!

1. Immature People

I dont have a problem being silly sometimes you know? Its fun to be like YAY WOOHOO sometimes, but you can only go so far. Being obnoxious is annoying. Being obnoxious AFTER someones told you to stop is EXTREMELY annoying. Alot of Freshman are annoying, because they think they're so cool. Freshman think swearing is SUPER cool too and its not, its annoying and immature.

And its not cute when you act "dumb". Acting like you dont know anything or flailing around being like IM SO COOL BECAUSE I DONT KNOW WHAT IM DOING isn't cool. Its extremely immature, okay? So yeah...stop

2. Purpously Mean People

Alright, people who say mean things are just...mean. Like people who swear at you and call you names and are dead serious about it. Its not nice and it gives people low self esteem, its really annoying too. Like, we're in high school. GROW. UP.

Its rude, and if you get pleasure from being mean to people, see help people. Its not funny, its not cool, I dont care who you are.

3. High Schoolers That Cant Read

Alright this really really REALLY annoys me. If your in HIGHSCHOOL you NEED to know how to read. Like a bunch of people in my english class CANT and its REALLY ANNOYING. You've been doing this for years, why do you froget NOW?

Ugh people. Thats extremely dissapointing. You guys seriously need to get a grip on life...its kind of annoying.

4. Self-Absorbed People

Alight, its really annoying when people talk about themselves constantly. Yeah its nice to hear about the other person, but when that person talks about themselves ALL the time its REALLY ANNOYING!

Like, for example, I have a friend and they LOVE to talk about themselves. Like, all the time. Ill be telling a little story about what happened to me that day and they'll be like "OMG THAT HAPPENED TO ME *insert extremely long story about themselves*" Its really annoying okay? Yeah I want to hear about you, but let me talk about my day too okay? Dont be so self centered.

5. Texting

Kay so...Yeah...I think texting is the stupidest thing ever invented. So, there was ONE think I liked about The Boondocks, and that is, these two guys were talking about texting and one said "Why would you spend two minutes typing something out that you could just call them and tell them in like 5 seconds?" and i was like OMG! Thats EXACTALLY how I see it!!!

Like I hate it when people text during school. Thats against the rules here. Why would you not just wait until class is over and ask them in the hall? Is it THAT much of an emergency that you have to ask them DURING class? Its so dumb. Phones were made for calling not typing. Thats what computer is for stupid.

6. People Who Cant Accept Others Differences

I hate it when people are like "Eww you like that?" Like, I'm extremely girly. I love things that are pink and girly and glittery and yay. I love Barbies, stickers, glitter, frills, all that. I hate people that are like "Eww you like Barbies? Thats so childish, stupid" its like, okay just because something says 5+ dosen't mean older people can't play with it. Thats so dumb, anyone can like whatever they want, its not your choice what people like, so get over it.

7. People Who Purpously Try and Make You Feel Bad

Alright, so this is annoying, and it makes me feel dumb. This really only applies to a few people. Like, you do something they dont want you to do, or vice versa, and they like, try and make you feel bad to get their way. Its really annoying

For example, the other day I was talking to someone and we were saying something about dance and I said "Oh yeah? Well what if I quit? Then you'd be sad! So don't complain" ANd they were like "Oh, so you do it just to make me happy?" Yeah, because YOU are the only one I care about. I waste that much money JUST to make YOU happy. It has NOTHING to do with me. I have an opinon too okay?

8. People That Don't Have Manners

Okay, I understand some things, people burp and all that stuff, its natural, but people go WAY too far. Burping on purpose just to disgust people is GROSS. I do NOT need to hear that okay? Its GROSS. I dont like hwen people play with their food, its gross. Food is for eating okay? Stop touching it and mixing it with stuff to make it look gross. Also, dont put your feet on people okay? Its rude and GROSS. People dont want your SWEATY FEET on them okay?! Its GROSS. DONT. DO IT.

I suppose that it for now...I may write another to add to this, but this is all I feel like writing right now. Thanks for reading



Stefanie said...

Awww, Beekee! That was cute. Thanks for stealing my idea XD
I agree with all of those 100% :D