Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Log, The Log, Its Heavy Its Heavy its WOOD

....Its better than bad, its good!

Sorry bout that.

Well, I'm not sure what to write, I just decided I needed to write some stuff down.

Its mid-quarter, I guess I'm not doing too bad. Though I could be better [but we all can, so no big deal]. Continuing on the topic of school, Homecomings next week! Though I still have no idea what I'm going to be for Halloween [I suppose that would help] but oh well, Ill figure something out.

Continuing on Homecoming...

I want a date, but there's no way in the world anyone would ask me. I'm not not the kind of person who gets attention from the opposite sex in that way. Lets face it, the only guys I'm "friends" with are hundreds of miles away.


There is something else I want to tell people but I'd rather not have to explain a million times, so I'll say it here.

To begin..

Parents are nice in pairs, if ones happy so is the other. But if one falls the other screams, and then the past is just a dream.

[Yeah, I totally just pulled that out of my head.]

To explain, parents are good in pairs. My parents, yes they're a pair but not the closest. My moms actually looked into divorce stuff. She knows it takes 2 years to divorce someone if you dont have a reason. I'm pretty sure she's in love with this guy named Don who lives in Texas. Why do I know that? She knows like everything about him, and carries around a picture of him with her. Yeah.

My dad..I'd just rather stay away from him and not talk to him. Or be near him. *sigh*

So yeah, I don't know if they're actually going through with this. My mom seems really serious about it.

And just so you all know. If they do, my moms moving. And I'm going with. Just a heads up.

Well, I guess that is it for now. Love you all <3