Sunday, August 31, 2008

My Sugar Coated Chocolate Golb

This is my golb. Yes, because I have something against the word "blog" this is now my Golb, and should be treated as such. :3 I got a golb cuz Stefy has a golb so I was like "Hey! Why not?! I'll get a golb!" So here I am! :D

Hmmm I guess I should start with alittle about me, yes. No? Maybe so? Haha anyways yes.

I'm Vicki. Victoria, Tori, Hey you, Cuppycakes, its all good. I'm almost 16 and i'm a sophomore at Johnsburg High School. I currently take Choir and Drivers Ed, next semester i'm taking Choir and Interior Design. :3 Should be fun.

Since I'm taking drivers ed, I got my permit! :O I got it the....28th of August! :3 Yay! I have over 2 hours already driving. Woot woot! Drivings so much fun. THE TURN ONTO MCCULLOM LAKE ROAD IS EVIL!!!!!!

Lets see....what else.... I pretty much love singing :3 I'm in the womens {Treble} Choir at school ^^ Its pretty cool because you gotta audition to get into that one ^^ YAY VICKI!!!! I really like singing, I do alot of stuff in school, including music festivals and stuff outside of school. Its all good ^^

OH I KNOW SOMETHING ELSE ^^ I work at Six Flags Great America in Gurnee, Illinois. Its REALLY fun and REALLY amazing. You see ALOT of weird stuff like that. For example, Joe had this monkey and he took the clothes off of it for some reason and was making it give people hugs. It was SCARY!!! Apperently he was a hobo monkey and couldn't afford clothes D: poor monkey!

Sooo...yeah I'm not quite shure what else to put. ^^ Gimme a second while I eat my poptarts.

Hmmm...I dont really know what else there is ^^ Ummm...I guess I could share some of my views I guess? XD I dont want my golb to be over yet!

Alright then, the one thing that really gets to me is this: Sex before marriage. I'm not saying change your views or anything I just feel REALLY strongly for that. I dont believe you should have to wait for marriage, I believe that if you love someone that its fine. I'm not saying to go stand on a street corner and have all the sex you want, you guys get what i'm saying. Same goes with children, those would be more reasonable I guess to have a child after marriage. It really dosen't matter I guess. I just see that children are little bundles of love, it shouldn't matter when they come. If God says "Hey, you're gonna have a cute little baby now! *pregnancy*" Then you're gonna have a cute little baby!!!

Hmm..I guess thats the only big thing I seem to really press on. I dunno what else there is...

OH! I'm REALLY bad with my knees ^^;;; I'm probably like my mom. My moms like...36 maybe and doctors tell her she has the knees of a 75 year old woman. Yeah, its bad in our family. Its not so bad now that I'm in high school, but during junior high I hurt my knees at least 2 times a year. It was bad, the huge immobolizer things and crutches. THe whole shabang. Ick, thats REALLY not fun. People thought I was faking it because it happened so much. Yeah, thats not fun either..

Well, I suppose that may be enough for right now. Ill try and update this on any big happenings in my life ^^ I love you all! Stay fresh =D Cuz no one likes a stale cookie! lol....